Experienced Veterinary Services for Dogs, & Cats in Downtown Cincinnati & Northern KY

- Veterinary Surgery: From routine spay and neuter procedures to more complex orthopedic repairs, safe surgery by compassionate professionals.
- Veterinary Endocrinology: Diagnosis of and treatment for diseases of the endocrine system such as pet diabetes and hypothyroidism.
- Pet Dental Care: Dental exams and thorough pet teeth cleaning under anesthesia, for longer life and health of your pet.
- Spay & Neuter: Learn how this simple procedure contributes to the health of your pet and the betterment of your community.
Dr. Bob takes the time to listen and discuss your pet care concerns. His veterinary skill is enhanced by more than 20 years of experience, and he is knowledgeable and supportive as the areas expert in pet care on the Cincinnati radio show, Our Best Friends, at WMKV 89.3 FM.
Pet Care Designed With Your Needs in Mind
Raising a companion animal often leads to new questions, and Plum Street Pet Clinic is here to help. This section of our website offers information for each stage of your pet’s life, as well as specifics about disease prevention and wellness care.
Enjoy the following information by visiting the pages that interest you most:
- Puppy & Kitten Care: We give you the basic care essentials for bringing home a young pet.
- Pet Vaccinations: Vaccinations offer prevention from disease for dogs and cats
- Pet Wellness: Our attitude of prevention and wellness care enhances health and longevity in pets.
- Senior Pet Care: Your old friend deserves the best, including veterinary exams twice annually.
Dr. Bob and the staff of Plum Street Pet Clinic are pleased to provide you with more specific information about the health of your special dog or cat. Simply contact our office to schedule an appointment for your pet.